Friday, July 30, 2010

Yellowstone Fun...

We headed up to West Yellowstone to see Andy's parents and for a relaxing vacation. Andy managed to go fishing every day in some of the most beautiful parts of our country, not to mention the best fly fishing rivers there are. While we were there we both celebrated our 32nd birthdays with some great company. Andy took me horseback riding through the mountains for my birthday. It was a blast. We took Tyler and Blake to the Grizzly Bear and Wolf Center as well as toured through Yellowstone National Park. We saw a bunch of wildlife in the park, but nothing beats the four grizzly bears and a moose on our drive home. I love our annual trips to Yellowstone.

Tyler and his first fish...Nemo! He was so thrilled.

I know what you are thinking (crazy mom dressing up her kid) but look how cute he is.

A s'mores first timer...lovin' every minute.

These campfire marshmallows were the size of a joke!

They make for GREAT s'mores.

This is Sam from the Grizzly Center. He weighs about 800 pounds.

Celebrating by birthday with my boys and my wonderful family.

Horseback riding with my honey.

Tyler and Bepa time...too stinkin' cute.

Buffalo in the park.

Picnic followed by playtime with daddy in Yellowstone.

Old Faithful geyser...

Family photo at Old Faithful...

Elk crossing the river...

Mama bear and her two cubs. Amazing to watch. We must have sat there for 15 minutes just watching them explore.

We also saw a moose. So beautiful.

Bepa was fitting in Tyler's first fly fishing lesson.

Having a little fun!

Tyler in Grand Teton National Park. What a poser!


Jessica said...

looks like a wonderful trip...your little family looks so happy!

TubbyBiscuit said...

Great pictures! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun and how relaxing!