Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break...

This year Andy, Tyler, and I traveled to Portland and Seattle for Spring Break. This was Tyler's third trip on a plane in his 11 months of life and we all had so much fun. We definitely did some great tourist things and also hit up a couple of nice "local" restaurants which is our favorite thing to do on our vacations. We realize that this might be coming to an end very soon due to Tyler discovering that he has the ability to be very loud in restaurants and the other customers don't really appreciate it. Oh well, what can you do, right? Here are some pictures to explain what we did on vacation.

In an airplane shirt...

Off to Portland...
Beautiful scenery...
Andy and his friend Shaun in Portland.

Women "cutting the cheese"

Tillamook had a great ice creamery but I gave that up for Lent, so I couldn't enjoy any.

Tyler getting a ride from Daddy...
The Oregon coast.
Oregon's beautiful countryside.
Going to Seattle...
The Space Needle...

Happy boy in the hotel enjoying the view from the 22nd floor.

In the press box at the Seattle Mariners field.

Press conference after the big game.

In the dugout...

The locker room...

Visiting cousins Alyssa and Chris.

Taking a break...

Pike's Place Market
Tyler's first run in with a celebrity...Drew Carey!

Andy getting good luck from Rachel the pig. No really the pig's name is Rachel.

The fishmongers at Pikes Place.

The first Starbucks.

A view of the city from the pier.

Enjoying the sunset in Seattle...
Visiting the starfish at the Seattle Aquarium.

Goofing off...

Tyler on a Killer Whale...

Headed back home in his very own seat.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's Toothday...

Finally, the day has come where Tyler got his first tooth. He was 11 months and 1 day old when we noticed he had settled the feud with the Tooth Fairy. Tyler put Grandma's hand in his mouth last night and she noticed something hard. By golly, it's a tooth! Thank goodness, Mommy and Daddy were starting to get worried!

Friday, March 13, 2009

11 Months...

I cannot believe that Tyler is now 11 months old. How time flies! He is growing up so much and learning new things/tricks daily. He continues to amaze us at all he is learning and how he is growing into a little boy. Since he hasn't had a doctor appointment in a while, I would guess he is close to 22 or 23 pounds. He absolutely loves dogs (his own bad dogs or in books), lights, and himself. He knows who he is and points to himself all the time when you ask where Tyler is. He started to clap the other day and waves to people. When you ask for a kiss, he leans his head in so you can kiss him. If we are lucky, he will come in with his lips in the right direction. He walks around the house using his "walker" and gets into everything. He is such a cutie pie! Here are some pictures of him growing up this past month...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Fly Fishing Lesson...

Grandpa taught Tyler how to tie his first fly for fly fishing. He was so excited to learn how to do this since this is a passion of Grandpa's.

A very curious "new" fly fisherman!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Splish Splash...

Tyler LOVES his bath these days. He has so many fun bath toys and his favorite part of the bath is watching the water come out of the spout. He has so much fun trying to "catch" it from the faucet. As he is in the tub, he tries to swim around. Bath time is so much fun!

Having so much fun...

Trying to "swim."

Tyler's first fishing net.

"Yeah, I caught a fish!"