Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'...

I'm afraid of what is to come. I don't think I will be able to leave him in one place and have him still be there when I return. You guessed it...Mr. T is rolling over! He started rolling over from back to tummy in his sleep the other night. That freaked me out. I walked in in the middle of the night and he was on his tummy when I had put him to sleep on his back. I knew he could do it, but I had yet to see it. So, I was keeping the video camera handy these past few days and now we have the proof! Good job, Tyler!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ball Game...

Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks...well you get the point. Tyler went to his second baseball game last night. Rockies vs. Reds. Andy brought some of his staff for a fun night out. They even got their name on the jumbo-tron.

Tyler was a little tuckered out.

This was Andy's 3 seconds of fame.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Sweetie...

Tyler had his four month check up this week. The doctor said he is doing very well and growing right on track. We, well mommy, had a Laffy Taffy to celebrate his weight gain (3 pounds, 12 ounces) over the past month. Tyler's stats are:

Born: April 13, 2008
Weight: 14 pounds, 12 ounces (50th%)
Length: 25 1/2 inches (75th%)
Hobbies: Laughing, cooing, making loud noises, flirting with women, putting his hands in his mouth (both if possible), trying to roll over, and grabbing for his toys.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to Reality...

Well, Tyler started daycare on Tuesday and I went back to work. I did much better than I thought I would leaving Tyler that day. It is hard handing him off and not seeing him for nine hours or so when the past four months have just been he and I all day every day. Andy is starting to get Fridays off and that means only four days a week in daycare.

It has been raining like crazy. I think we got about 2-3 inches in about 24 hours. Grandma and Grandpa Lafflam came by this weekend to visit. We are having so much fun with them. They are so surprised at how much Tyler has grown since they last saw him in July.

Tyler attended his first wedding last weekend and wore his cute sweater vest, white linen pants, and brown loafers. He was the hit of the party!

A happy Mr. T in his puppy hat and shirt. What a cutie!

Tyler and Grandpa at lunch just hanging out.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Three Amigos...

I have told so many of you about the boys who are only two weeks apart from Tyler. Well, here they are...from left...Rylan (2 weeks older than Tyler), Camden (2 weeks younger than Tyler), and Tyler. I worked with their mommies this past year at Zach. We were all pregnant the same number of days...38 weeks and 2 days. Very ironic. Even though they look really bored, their mommies have a lot of fun together on play dates!

Rylan, Camden, and Tyler.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fun in the Sun...

Tyler and I had a blast in California. We ended up visiting with so many great friends and seeing so many family members. Here are some of our memories...

A special thanks to my Mom and Step Dad for letting us stay with them.

These are some of the wonderful people I had the pleasure of teaching with in So. Cal. We were able to catch up and they were able to meet our new addition.

My godmother, Nancy, with Tyler.

A dear family friend, Judy, with Tyler. (Sorry about the slobber Judy. It just means Tyler really loves you.)

Avery (left) and Erin (right) visiting with Mr. T. Avery was in my first class when I taught her in first grade. She is now 13 years old and a beautiful young woman. My, how time flies!

We even found a street sign with Tyler's name. I thought that was pretty cool!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Who are these people?

We have had 2 fun filled days here in the O.C.  Yesterday my mom and step-dad hosted an open house for my friends and family to come and meet Tyler.  So many great friends came over and visited with us.  Today, Tyler met his grandpa, great-grandma, and great-grandpa for the first time.  We had so much fun catching up with each other and goofing around!  So far Tyler has spent time with 2 grandmas, 2 grandpas, 2 great-grandmas, 1 great-grandpa, a great-uncle, a great-great-aunt, and many of his mommy's friends.

Grammie, Tyler, and I hanging out at my mom's house.

Tyler and his Great-Grandma Nancy.

Tyler with his Grandpa and I.

Tyler with Great-Grandpa, Opa.

Oma, Tyler's Great-Grandma, was so happy to meet her great-grandson!

Twins!  Oma, my grandma, shared her wig with me.  Can you tell us apart? 

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Going Back to Cali...

Tyler and I embarked on an adventure to California yesterday to meet some friends and family. He did a great job on the plane ride and made friends with many passengers and stewardesses.   He, of course, had a special outfit for this flight.  Check him out...

"Fort Collins Born"

"LA Bound!"