Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth...

Yesterday we went to the circus with Barb and Steve, Andy's parents. We had such a blast and Tyler was such a good boy. We sat in the front row, which kept Tyler's attention on the circus. Tyler had a chance to meet some circus people up close and walk around the ring, too. I forgot how awesome the circus was! We are going to have to do this more often!

On the floor in the middle of the action...

Tyler with some of the performers...

His circus hat!

Up close with the elephants...

Funny clowns...riding bikes of all sizes!

The white tigers


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Play Date...

Tyler and I had a chance to visit with Jessica, who now lives in the Bay area, and the girls from work who all had babies around the time Tyler was born. The play date was a blast as the mommies ate doughnuts and watched the boys play together.

This is so fun!
Tyler (in green), Camden (in navy), and Rylan (in overalls)...all boys are just 2 weeks apart.

The boys again with the newest addition, Grayson, who was born in September.

The boys are all getting so big. Where has this past year gone? Thanks for hosting, Amy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to Grandpa...

We celebrated Steve's 60th birthday at the Buckhorn Exchange, the oldest restaurant in Denver. Tyler had so much fun looking at all of the animals, even though they were dead. We all had a great time eating lots of wild game (elk and buffalo). Happy birthday Grandpa...We love you!

Tyler and Grandpa...

The fam...

In this picture, Tyler was more interested in the fan...