Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Boy and His Dog...

Even though our dogs are the worst dogs on the planet, they are the sweetest! They are so good with Tyler and they love him so much. Lily is especially interested with our little man. She always comes over to him, looks him in the eye, and says hello in her own doggie way. I even think Tyler understands her. Well, we know who his first best friend is. (Just a word of advise...don't ever get a beagle if you want your neighbors to like you.)

Check out Lily's paw on Tyler's tummy.

He is starting to try to pet her and she just sits there and lets him do whatever he wants. It's so cute.

"Tyler, what are you doing?"


Jessica said...

Tyler is getting so big..the picture of him sitting up he looks so grown up in! Our babies are almost six months old...hard to believe.

Ms. Liz Stafford said...

These pics are so cute. I think the profile of Tyler looks like Andy! Aren't you impressed I'm on your blog? I got here by mistake!
hahaha Liz:)

Susan said...

These pictures are so adorable. Lily looks so sweet with her paw on Tyler's tummy. I think the profile picture looks so much like you at the same age. He is growing so fast.