Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Boy and His Dog...

Even though our dogs are the worst dogs on the planet, they are the sweetest! They are so good with Tyler and they love him so much. Lily is especially interested with our little man. She always comes over to him, looks him in the eye, and says hello in her own doggie way. I even think Tyler understands her. Well, we know who his first best friend is. (Just a word of advise...don't ever get a beagle if you want your neighbors to like you.)

Check out Lily's paw on Tyler's tummy.

He is starting to try to pet her and she just sits there and lets him do whatever he wants. It's so cute.

"Tyler, what are you doing?"

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm it! (Jess, this is your birthday present...) So, my friend Jessica tagged me to make a list of 6 unknown or unusual thing about me. Wow...can this be any more uncomfortable? After about 2 weeks of thought I have finally come up with a list that I would not be totally embarrassed about, well most of it anyway.

1. I am a Q-tip addict. I love the feel of cleaning my ears so much that sometimes I do it twice a day. It makes me almost fall asleep when I am cleaning my ears. I have to buy Q-tips in bulk at Sam's Club just to keep up on this weird fascination.

2. I used to be a ballerina. I started dancing when I was little and really took to ballet. I went through all of my classes and finally got to dance on pointe. I traveled to many competitions and competed with my dance group up until high school when I became a cheerleader.

3. I love to collect Chap Stick, lip gloss, or anything similar to it. I have about 25 different kinds and flavors of Chap Sticks, Lip Smackers, Clinique lip gloss, Burt's Bees, Carmex, and many more. I don't quite know why I have this weird collection, but I love it!

4. My closet is organized by color. I am kind of anal that way. All of my shirts are hanging on the top bar of the closet organized by color and shade of color from red to orange to black to grey to brown to green to blue, to white. On the bottom bar of the closet are all of my pants and skirts. Organized by skirts, work pants, and non-work pants (most of which don't fit me right now...baby weight just settles in strange places). People may say I'm a little OCD and they are probably right!

5. I have a thing for sweets, especially ice cream. Not just any ice cream, peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. For the longest time Baskin Robbins was the only peanut butter and chocolate ice cream that passed my test. I wouldn't eat that peanut butter cup ice cream, no it had to be ribbons of peanut butter in chocolate ice cream. When I was pregnant, I found out that Haagen Dazs has a peanut butter and chocolate ice cream that passed my test. I have recently found that the Target brand, Archer Farms, makes a darn good peanut butter and chocolate ice cream that I might even say beats Baskin Robbins. Sorry about this tangent, but this is one thing I am very serious about!

6. This is the most embarrassing of them all. I was 1995 Miss Lake Forest Teen. Oh my gosh, I can't even believe I just wrote that. I competed in the pageant and then went on to Miss California Teen. I didn't win, but I had a blast!

Well, now you know far too much about me. Now I am supposed to tag some people so here we go... Mom, Stacie (who has already been tagged), Amy (who also has already been tagged), and that is all the people I know who blog on a regular basis. Have fun!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where did the time go?

Another month has passed and Tyler is five months old now! It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital yesterday. He is finally growing like a weed (a good, cute kind of weed). Sixteen pounds and six ounces is his official weigh in. Our goal for this month...sleeping all the way through the night! Here is this week in pictures...
Where is Tyler? I almost couldn't find him.

Oh, there he is...Macho camouflage man in a big boy T-shirt.

Not so macho now...Is that a bunny you are sleeping with? It is a bunny!

It's a miracle that we finally got Tyler to like the tub. I guess it's all the funny faces I make at him while he's in there to keep him from crying. He just expects all that silliness that now.

T in his dinosaur outfit representing our school mascot...Zach Zephyrosaurus (that's a type of dinosaur...yeah).

Helping Daddy design a menu. We gotta start training them young.

In his "Mr. T" shirt...I pity the fool who has to change my diaper. Ultimately, I guess that's me!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Field Trip...

To mommy's school, that is. Andy and Tyler came to my class yesterday to meet my new group of students. I didn't have my camera there, so we took pictures when we got home. I wish I could have these "Visitors" in my room everyday.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tyler's First Parade...

On Labor Day, Tyler attended his very first parade. It was in Windsor, the small town that was hit by a tornado in May, and the town is alive and well. We had lots of fun with the Uhrich family while at the parade. The boys hung out and even took a little nap...imagine that.

Amy, Rylan, Tyler and I enjoying the parade in the shade. Thank goodness!

Rylan and Tyler on my lap. Tyler is saying, "What is all this parade business?" Rylan is saying, "This is the best!"

"Hi Mom."

Windsor residents hoping to rebuild what they had before the tornado.

Now that's a small town for you...who does that?

Again...who does that. Only in Windsor does this guy qualify to be a parade entry.

"I've had enough parading today, Mom. Let's go home."