Sunday, August 3, 2008

Who are these people?

We have had 2 fun filled days here in the O.C.  Yesterday my mom and step-dad hosted an open house for my friends and family to come and meet Tyler.  So many great friends came over and visited with us.  Today, Tyler met his grandpa, great-grandma, and great-grandpa for the first time.  We had so much fun catching up with each other and goofing around!  So far Tyler has spent time with 2 grandmas, 2 grandpas, 2 great-grandmas, 1 great-grandpa, a great-uncle, a great-great-aunt, and many of his mommy's friends.

Grammie, Tyler, and I hanging out at my mom's house.

Tyler and his Great-Grandma Nancy.

Tyler with his Grandpa and I.

Tyler with Great-Grandpa, Opa.

Oma, Tyler's Great-Grandma, was so happy to meet her great-grandson!

Twins!  Oma, my grandma, shared her wig with me.  Can you tell us apart? 


TubbyBiscuit said...

I love the picture of you in a wig! I love your blog backgroud. You are going to have help me with mine one of these days. Hope your having fun in Cali. Stacie