Tyler and his first fish...Nemo! He was so thrilled.
I know what you are thinking (crazy mom dressing up her kid) but look how cute he is.
Tyler and his first fish...Nemo! He was so thrilled.
I know what you are thinking (crazy mom dressing up her kid) but look how cute he is.
Posted by Rachel 2 comments
Grammie, aka my mom, came into town to visit us. While she was here we went to Lee Martinez Farm to walk around and see the animals. After we toured the farm, we took Tyler on a pony ride. He was allowed to choose his very own pony to ride, and he choose "Fritz" the pony. As soon as we put him on the pony, I knew it would be hard to get him off. What fun he had while we walked around. He held on to tight to the saddle and was not afraid one bit! I think we have a cowboy on our hands. When we got home, he told Daddy that he wanted a pony.
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
We were running errands last weekend when we saw that all 3 fire trucks were pulled out in front of the local fire station. We decided to drive by and take a peek at them. When we got there, the firemen were working in the garage and told us that Tyler could sit in the driver's seat! Tyler was ecstatic to say the least (and his Daddy was pretty excited too). By the end of our visit to the Fire Station, Daddy and Tyler had made friends with Derek the fireman. He fell in love with Tyler and told us we could come back whenever we wanted to! They even gave Tyler a fireman's hat and bag of goodies...Wow!
Posted by Rachel 0 comments