Thursday, June 24, 2010

Brotherly Love...

Since Blake arrived, Tyler and him have been getting along pretty well. Tyler is learning to adjust to sharing the attention with his new little brother. He even shared a few toys of his this morning with Blake by putting them on top of him in his vibrating chair. I am thankful that the change from being our one and only little boy to "Big Brother" is gradual. Since Blake doesn't do more than eat, sleep, poop, and pee for the most part, he is not a threat yet. We will see how this change starts to effect Tyler in the near future! Here are some videos that I have taken over the past few weeks of Tyler and Blake. (Be sure to turn off the volume on the bottom of this page before viewing.) Enjoy!

This video was taken when Tyler first met Blake in the hospital. It was the first time he held him and finally understood that Blake was finally here.

This was taken when Tyler had no idea I was watching. He often goes up to Blake while he is in the chair and loves him, talks to him, and kisses him. So sweet!

Tyler has learned to say Blake's name as you can hear in this video..."Blake Andrew"

I love my boys and look forward to this journey ahead with both of them growing up so fast!


Jessica said...

love, love, love the videos! tyler is so precious with him. love when he tells blake "bye-bye" when he walks off in the second video. so sweet.

Susan said...

Those videos bring tears to my eyes. Tyler is just the sweetest little boy. I love you boys!!