Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Big Boy Blake...

Blake is getting bigger and is now just about three and a half weeks old. He is sleeping like a champ and wakes about every 3 hours for milk. He does give us a little bit longer of a window at night and for that Mommy and Daddy are very appreciative. During the day he is starting to be a little bit more awake. Tyler just absolutely loves him and is "gentle" for the most part. I cannot get over how fast he is growing. We are slowly moving from newborn to 0-3 month clothes as he is filling out his own skin. He is really a chow hound, eating about 4 to 4 1/2 ounces at each feeding. Blake's head and legs are very strong. He can lift his head for a few seconds and looks around. When we burp him, he tries to crawl up our bodies. He currently weighs 9 pounds! I forgot how many changes take place in this stage of life for little ones, and we are enjoying every moment of it!