Sunday, February 7, 2010

20 week ultrasound...

We had another chance to see baby boy #2 about a week and a half ago (sorry updates weren't sooner) at 20 weeks. Everything looks great with our new little guy. He was weighing in at about 12 ounces and all organs were developing very well. He was measuring one day earlier than his due date so hopefully he will come early. The doctor measured my belly and I am measuring about 2 cm larger than normal, just like with Tyler. I was surprised to learn that I had lost 2 pounds since our appointment 3 weeks earlier and have only gained a total of 2 pounds this whole pregnancy (even though I look huge)!

Handsome little guy...
Still a boy (thank goodness)...

Cute little piggies...

So this was me at 11 weeks...

and this is me at 21 weeks!


Jessica said...

love those ultrasound cute! we're coming to colorado june 10th so i'm hoping you time this accordingly! :)

Allison Wilkey said...

Yay! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to hear more about it. Hopefully you've had an easy pregnancy, and I'm glad everything is happy and healthy!