Sunday, February 21, 2010

California Trip...

Last week we headed to California to put Carmen Millsfield to rest. She was Andy's grandma and Tyler's great-grandma. She passed away on February 11, 2010 after suffering from Alzheimer's for several years. She will be missed so much, but we are glad that she is in heaven with her husband and people she loved. Her funeral service was amazing. So many people showed up from all over the state and country and since she was in the navy as a young girl, there were some men there from the military to play Taps for her.

While we were in California, we had a chance to have fun as well. All the relatives were there so we had fun watching Tyler and his cousins play and enjoy each other. We went to Travel Land, a train museum. Tyler had a blast! Here are just a few of the pictures...

Carmen Millsfield...We will miss you!

The family together again. Tyler was only 3 months old the last time we were all together.
Travel Town...

Cousins...Jack, Tyler, and Maddie

All dressed up...

Playing with Bepa...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

20 week ultrasound...

We had another chance to see baby boy #2 about a week and a half ago (sorry updates weren't sooner) at 20 weeks. Everything looks great with our new little guy. He was weighing in at about 12 ounces and all organs were developing very well. He was measuring one day earlier than his due date so hopefully he will come early. The doctor measured my belly and I am measuring about 2 cm larger than normal, just like with Tyler. I was surprised to learn that I had lost 2 pounds since our appointment 3 weeks earlier and have only gained a total of 2 pounds this whole pregnancy (even though I look huge)!

Handsome little guy...
Still a boy (thank goodness)...

Cute little piggies...

So this was me at 11 weeks...

and this is me at 21 weeks!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fun with Chef...

Chef "Al Fredo" is one of Tyler's favorite toys. It is something that he and his Daddy play with together. Tyler really thinks that this guy is his friend as he has full conversations with him. Tonight he was showing off in front of him. At one point he took out the guitar and sang for him. Then he decided to read to him before going to bed. I love this stage that Tyler is going through. He is so imaginative and so much fun...but he is really good at getting us to laugh!

Best Buddies...
A kiss goodnight...
Pause the music at the bottom for this one...Tyler is reading to his Chef friend and telling him all about the big moose, big bear, and more. He then goes on to sing one of his favorite tunes from the Wizard of Oz... Oh E Oh E Oh Oh. The video ends with him saying I love you in sign language.

Giving the Chef some milk before bed and saying goodnight.