Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chatter Box...

Well, it looks as though we have "modeled" this behavior. Tyler is a perfect mimic of us on the phone. He has managed to use his imagination to create a make believe cell phone from a part off of one of his toys. In these videos, he is having a conversation with his Daddy. He is so silly! (Please excuse the messy goes from clean to messy in a matter of seconds these days. At least it is contained to this room only.)

Be sure to turn off the volume of the music at the bottom of the page before viewing the videos.


Amy said...

Is that his car ramp??? Clever little guy. My kids have to pace the house when they pretend to talk on the phone. . . considering I can't possibly sit down when I am yacking. Very cute.

Susan said...

He is so adorable! What an imagination he has. I love it!

Jessica said...

That is hilarious...I love how he's quiet and acts like he's really listening to Dada on the other end!

TubbyBiscuit said...

He's so smart. It is so fun when they start talking!

Jim & Jenny Marshall said...

Hi Rachel,

So great to hear from you! I love blogging, it is a great way for family and friends to see pics of the little ones, and to help document all the changes in their lives. Mr. T is adorable, looks like one happy guy! Glad things are going well for you! Love that he is already talking on the phone. So fun!

Jenny (Andrews) Marshall