18 months old that is! One and a half...I never really talked about age in months let alone half years, but now as a parent I find myself doing this constantly (at least I am not counting in weeks anymore). I cannot believe how fast time has flown by and I find myself loving this age more that any other so far! Tyler is developing his personality, speech, and ability to cause trouble. He is talking up a storm and is so interested in communication. He knows his animal sounds and loves to have mom or dad read books to him. As always, he is as happy as can be (except when he gets new teeth in-he has 10 now). His fascinations include anything with wheels...trucks, cars, bikes, tractors, motorcycles, and firetrucks. He has even perfected the siren! Tyler is eating with a spoon and a fork and is still a vegetarian for the most part, except he doesn't like veggies. We look forward to what the next 18 months have in store for us!

Getting ready for winter!