It's getting cold here and we are starting to winterize. Our sprinklers got blown out on Friday and the temperature is dropping fast. Although we are still in fall, we are getting ready for cooler temperatures. Planting bulbs for beautiful fall tulips and daffodils are on our to do list. Tyler was trying on some of his winter clothes today and he is looking so cute! I can't believe he will be 6 months old tomorrow. Time flies by so fast! I will post another update with his newest stats as soon as we have our next doctor appointment.

Look at that chubby face! He is so cute. Is that real snow or just your creation on the internet? I can't wait to see you, Andy and Tyler next month. I hope it snows for me.
Love to you all!
Aww! Tyler is the cutest. So- I've never heard of blowing out sprinklers before. It's so it doesn't freeze I'm assuming. The things you miss when you live in California...
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