Santa was very good to these babies this year (I think Tyler had to bribe Santa since he is well into his terrible two's)! We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, despite the fact that Andy had to work both days. We started our celebration with our outing to church and then coming home to find that "Santa's elves" had stopped by and left some presents for us to open before Santa arrived. This was the only way Andy could see Tyler's reaction to a stack of presents under the tree since he would be at work on Christmas morning. Tyler was thrilled! After opening presents from Grammie, Grandpa Larry, Opa, Uncle Matt, Aunt Ally, and Auntie Casey, we got ready for Santa's visit. Tyler put out the cookies, milk, and of course carrots for the reindeer and off to bed he went. After waking up, he saw that indeed Santa did come and unload his sleigh in Mema and Bepa's house. Tyler's reaction was priceless when he walked into the room and saw the huge mound of presents and the TOOL BENCH! He was so excited at the sight of the tool bench and the tools that all he wanted to do was play with them the whole morning. This worked out perfect because we were trying to wait to open presents until Andy was home at about noon. Tyler occupied himself the whole time with the tools and the gifts from the night before, so Andy was able to see both boys open their gifts just as if it were Christmas morning.
We hope that everyone else had a fantastic Christmas this year and enjoyed some time with family and friends. We feel so fortunate to have so many wonderful blessings in our life.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Santa Babies...
Posted by Rachel 2 comments
Monday, December 20, 2010
Blake at 6 months...
I cannot even believe that Blake is 6 months old now. We went in for his check up and he is doing great. He is a strong boy who is constantly moving around. He can almost sit up on his own. He will just roll himself along the floor and he can get anywhere he wants to by rolling. He is infactuated with his older brother, Tyler and watches him dance and play. Tyler can make him laugh anytime. They are interacting more and more, which is so nice to see. They will be best friends for sure. Blake has outgrown the 6 month clothes and has moved onto 6-12 month clothes. He is already in a size 3 diaper. He may be bigger than his brother someday, so we are teaching Tyler to be really nice to him, which he is anyway.
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Halloween 2010...
Better late than never! So, we have been a little bit busy. We sold our house and moved in with Barb and Steve on October 15, so we have all of our things in storage and are living out of boxes for now. That being said, we were able to spend Halloween at Barb and Steve's house, dress up, carve pumpkins, and go trick-or-treating, too! Here are a few pictures from October and Halloween.
Posted by Rachel 1 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Very, Very, Very Fine House...
We are moving right along with the building of the new house. We have sold our other house and moved out into Barb and Steve's house to spend the next 2 months. Since September 11, the first day of digging on the new house, there has been a ton of progress. We drive by daily to see new changes. It is truly amazing how fast they put up this house without compromising quality. The team of workers are wonderful and pay so much attention to details. We look forward to the finished product and can't wait to be living there by the end of December (if everything stays on schedule). We are so excited!
Posted by Rachel 3 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Happy Campers...
We had a blast setting up our family room! It's a little hard packing up everything you need for 2 children, dogs, and us, so we decided that we wanted to camp at home. We have always wanted to take Tyler camping and over Labor Day weekend we decided to go. Tyler packed up his cars, books, snacks, drinks, and so much more and headed into the tent to learn from Daddy how to make shadow puppets with a flashlight. Needless to say, we had a ton of fun and hope to go camping again really soon!
Posted by Rachel 2 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Dodgers vs. Rockies...
Posted by Rachel 1 comments