Visiting the giraffes with Mommy...
a ring tailed lemur...
a grizzly bear...
the penguins...
more giraffes with Grandma and Grandpa...
a leopard...
a curious gorilla...
some camels, and...
does anyone know this animal?
Visiting the giraffes with Mommy...
a ring tailed lemur...
a grizzly bear...
the penguins...
more giraffes with Grandma and Grandpa...
a leopard...
a curious gorilla...
some camels, and...
does anyone know this animal?
Posted by Rachel 1 comments
Follow this link to see some of Andy's senior living residents performing at the half time show for a CU basketball game. They are a riot! The Golden GURLZ...
Posted by Rachel 2 comments
Tyler, 2 weeks old.
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
Well, Tyler is nine months old today and such a joy! He is weighing in at 20 lbs. 11 oz. and is growing so much in every way. We enjoy seeing his new faces and expressions as the days go by. Tyler is finally getting more hair and it is coming in darker than most people expected. He loves to eat finger foods like Cheerios and Puffs and thoroughly enjoys meal times. He is eating pureed meats, veggies. and fruits his favorite being applesauce. The Binky is more of a toy, being eaten like an old man eats a cigar. He moves around the house climbing stairs, pulling himself up on furniture, and wandering. The days of leaving him alone in one place are long gone. He LOVES his toys and playing. He is so happy all the time and just a great little boy!
Posted by Rachel 2 comments
Thank you, Auntie Casey! I love my new hats!
Posted by Rachel 2 comments